If you receive the "GraphExecutor halted and finished; encountered failures for node: [node ID]; no nodes skipped" error when running a Node(s), Subgraph, Job, etc. within a Workspace, this is typically due to the objects you are trying to complete a Run operation on in Coalesce not yet being created in the target location in Snowflake.
You may also see a message in the results pane that "Table <fully qualified table name> does not exist or not authorized."
Luckily, this is an easy fix.
In your Workspace, first execute the Create operation for the objects you are trying to execute the Run on. Once the Create has completed successfully, you may execute the Run operation. In the Workspace, the Create operation executes the Data Definition Language (DDL) for your objects, while the Run operation executes the Data Manipulation Language (DML) for your objects. These operators are comparable to Deploy (Create) and Refresh (Run) for your Coalesce Environments.
The Coalesce team recognizes that this error message could be clearer to our end-users and is working on revamping this and other error messaging for easier troubleshooting.