If you are receiving a "Account already exists" message when trying to launch Coalesce from Snowflake Partner Connect, this means that there is already a user account in Coalesce with the email address you used when you signed up for Snowflake. In Coalesce, a user's email serves as their username and a single email cannot be active across multiple Coalesce accounts. See our article on user management for more information.
If you know your login credentials for your existing Coalesce account, you may login and connect Coalesce to your Snowflake account. Don't remember your password? You may initiate a password reset from the login screen.
If you're looking for a net-new Coalesce account, you may request a new trial account here. --just be sure to use a plus addressing (also known as subaddressing) style email address as detailed in our article on user management.
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